Re: [ITCENTER] Butub Switch Manageble

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Biasanya terminologi manageable dalam switch itu artinya switch tersebut
bisa dibagi-bagi dalam beberapa VLAN, tapi untuk mengechek tiap-tiap packet
yang lalu lalang itu biasanya diluar kemampuan switchnya. BTW, kalo kasusnya
seperti yang anda ceritakan berarti gatewaynya harus punya bandwidth
managemen. Ini mungkin disebabkan ada user nakal yang sedang download file
besar2 sehingga traffic-nya tinggi.

On Thu, Mar 12, 2009 at 2:16 PM, Mylike <> wrote:

> Itu 2 perangkat dipakai menyatu atau bisa salah satunya ?
> Masing-masing port bisa manage khan ?
> Maaf belum pernah pakai Switch manageable
> Kasus yg sering saya temui sich begini :
> Saat ini menggunakan Switch 3Com unmanage
> Ketika lampu berkedip kencang... akses data di jaringan jadi lambat
> Biasanya aku ping ke dns luar time-nya pasti tinggi diatas 1500ms, kemudian
> cabut kabel satu-satu
> Nah biasanya dari situ ketahuan salah satu jalur yang menyebabkan
> trafik-nya
> tinggi sekali
> Dengan D-Link DES-3526 dan DES-3026 bisa langsung meng-drop port tersebut
> khan ya..
> Kalo' produk lain missal Allied Telesyn AT-GS950/16 bisa gak ya ?
> (alternative aja, harga juga lebih mahal)
> Salam,
> Malik Mt
> -----Original Message-----
> From: <> [mailto:
> <>] On Behalf
> Of Albert Siagian
> Sent: 12 Maret 2009 11:19
> To: <>
> Subject: Re: [ITCENTER] Butub Switch Manageble
> Ngga tahu juga sih, saya cuma copy-paste dari manual :-)
> Traffic Control
> On a computer network, packets such as Multicast packets and Broadcast
> packets continually flood the network as normal
> procedure. At times, this traffic may increase do to a malicious
> endstation on the network or a malfunctioning device, such as a
> faulty network card. Thus, switch throughput problems will arise and
> consequently affect the overall performance of the switch
> network. To help rectify this packet storm, the Switch will monitor and
> control the situation.
> The packet storm is monitored to determine if too many packets are
> flooding the network, based on the threshold level provided
> by the user. Once a packet storm has been detected, the Switch will drop
> packets coming into the Switch until the storm has
> subsided. This method can be utilized by selecting the Drop option of
> the Action field in the window below.
> The Switch will also scan and monitor packets coming into the Switch by
> monitoring the Switch's chip counter. This method is
> only viable for Broadcast and Multicast storms because the chip only has
> counters for these two types of packets. Once a storm
> has been detected (that is, once the packet threshold set below has been
> exceeded), the Switch will shutdown the port to all
> incoming traffic with the exception of STP BPDU packets, for a time
> period specified using the CountDown field. If this field
> times out and the packet storm continues, the port will be placed in a
> Shutdown Forever mode which will produce a warning
> message to be sent to the Trap Receiver. Once in Shutdown Forever mode,
> one method of recovering this port is to manually
> recoup it using the Port Configuration window in the Administration
> folder, and selecting the disabled port and returning it to
> an Enabled status. Otherwise, the Shutdown Forever mode will be
> Auto-Recovery after 5 mins. To utilize this method of Storm
> Control, choose the Shutdown option of the Action field in the window
> below.
> Use the Traffic Control Setting window to enable or disable storm
> control and adjust the threshold for multicast and broadcast
> storms, as well as Unicast (Destination Look Up Failure). Traffic
> control settings are applied to individual Switch modules. To
> view the following window, click Configuration > Traffic Control:
> Select the type of Storm Type to detect, either Broadcast Multicast or
> Unicast. Once selected , use
> the pull-down menu to enable or disable this storm detection.
> Select the method of traffic Control from the pull down menu. The
> choices are:
> shutdown - Utilizes the Switch's software Traffic Control mechanism to
> determine the Packet Storm
> occurring. Once detected, the port will deny all incoming traffic to the
> port except STP BPDU
> packets, which are essential in keeping the Spanning Tree operational on
> the Switch. If the
> countdown timer has expired and yet the Packet Storm continues, the port
> will be placed in
> Shutdown Forever mode and is no longer operational until the user
> manually resets the port using
> the config ports enable command or waits for 5 mins to let the Shutdown
> Forever mode enter Auto-
> Recovery. Choosing this option obligates the user to configure the
> Interval setting as well, which will
> provide packet count samplings from the Switch's chip to determine if a
> Packet Storm is occurring.
> drop - Utilizes the hardware Traffic Control mechanism, which means the
> Switch's hardware will
> determine the Packet Storm based on the Threshold value stated and drop
> packets until the issue is
> resolved.
> Salam
> Albert

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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